About Us
Find Food Carver County
Find Food Carver County is supported by the Carver County Hunger Relief Collaborative. The Collaborative is a dedicated group of nonprofit, business, government, and community leaders striving to end hunger in Carver County.
Our mission is to improve access to nutritious meals for our food insecure neighbors in Carver County.
Our vision is to provide an additional 1.2 million meals by 2027 through increased access, availability, and awareness.


Households worried food will run out
Annual food budget shortfall
Food Insecure Children

Find Food Carver County is a collaborative effort from community partners in the Carver County Hunger Relief Collaborative
- A Better Society
- Bountiful Basket Food Shelf
- Carver County Environmental Services
- Carver County Public Health
- CAP Agency of Scott, Carver & Dakota Counties
- Eastern Carver County Schools
- Gather and Grow Food Shelf & Connection Center
- His House Foundation
- Love INC of Carver County
- Mi C.A.S.A.
- Minnesota Landscape Arboretum - Farm at the Arb
- The Humanity Alliance
- And more!